Hailing from the industrial city of Hamilton, Ontario, Vrahnas emerges as a powerhouse trio in the realm of original Hard Rock and Metal. Rooted in a shared love for the timeless allure of classic heavy music, the band's genesis lies in an unwavering dedication to crafting fresh, original compositions.
Drawing inspiration from a diverse palette that spans Heavy Metal, Classic Rock, Thrash, Progressive Rock and Jazz, Vrahnas weaves a tapestry of sonic innovation. Their distinctive sound is a harmonious fusion of these electric influences, resulting in a musical experience that is both dynamic and uniquely their own.
Once a solid collection of songs were developed Vrahnas brought Scott Middleton (Cancer Bats) into their team as Producer and Engineer recording the material at Schoolhouse Studios. Their debut self titled album was mixed by Heavy Metal legend Max Norman (Ozzy Osbourne/Megadeth) and Mastered By Harry Hess (Monster Truck/Danko Jones).
Jamie Bekyarovich- Guitar
Zakk Benn - Bass / Vocals
Tim Houghton - Drums & Percussion