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Reject The Sickness - Chains Of Solitude (English)

Skrevet af Lars Frosz Nielsen
Reject The Sickness comes from Belgium and plays Melodic Death Metal. They have their own way of interpreting the genre and I have spent some good hours listening to the album. There is little Melodic Black Metal into the well.

Chains Of Solitude is well produced and well played. There are a lot of great riffs and the mood is heavy. I'm not crazy about the Intro number. just over a minute ambient sound effects ... it doesn't make it for me .... not as the starting number, but number two starts well "Chains Of Solitude" and there are being kicked butt on several tracks. There is a quiet ...ish... number; Alone, with piano and needles noise (resamles a vinyl record) ... I don't really know what to think about it, but nine numbers out of eleven isn't so bad. There is a pervasive bold sound on Chains Of Solitude.

Reject the Sickness consists of Guy Vercruysse on vocals, Pepijn Desmet on lead guitar, Ruben Van der Beken on rhythm guitar, Jannick Govaert on drums and Floris Desmet on bass.
Chains Of Solitude was released on November 13th 2015 on Mighty Music.
(4 ud af 6)
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Kategori: Anmeldelser



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