Interview with Heri from Týr
Calle: The band was started in 1998. How did you guys meet?
Heri: Originally we knew each other from playing together in a band in the Faeroes. Later we met in Copenhagen and made a new band, which became Týr.
Calle: Where did you get the band name and why did you choose it?
Heri: The name comes from Nordic mythology. We choes it partly because of the interesting stories about Týr, and also because of the Black Sabbath album by the same name. But then again Black Sabbath also got the name from the mythology, so that’s where it comes from in any case.

Heri - vocals and guitar
Calle: Who are your biggest influences?
Heri: Nordic melodies, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Savatage, Dream Theater, Pink Floyd.
Calle: What got you into music in the first place?
Heri: A profound appreciation of music. Realizing that I could inflicth the same emotions in others that I felt when listening to music. Knowing that I’m could be good at it and an unwavering belief in myself.
Calle: Name 3 “older” bands and 3 “newer” bands you can recommend?
Heri: Pink Floyd, Savatage, Uriah Heep. Alestorm, Heidevolk, Glittertind.

Calle: Týr has just released their fifth CD “By the Light of the Northern Star”. What can the fans expect from the album?
Heri: This album is faster, harder, heavier, less progressive, more accessible and shorter than any of our previous albums.
Calle: How is the writing process in Týr? Does each of you come up with ideas or do you all write together?
Heri: I write almost all the music alone. And I arrange the traditionals that we don’t write ourselves.
Calle: Where do you find the inspiration for the songs?
Heri: In Nordic melodies.
Calle: If you could name one song you wish you had written, which song would that be, and why?
Heri: I wish I’d written ‘Last Christmas’, because if I did I’d be rich beyond belief.

Týr - viking metal
Calle: Týr are from Faroe Islands. How will you describe the music scene there?
Heri: There is a fairly busy music scene, compared to the size of the country. It is not divided into subgenres like elsewhere. It is more like one big scene containing all styles, including Heavy Metal.
Calle: Týr is being called Viking metal. All your album covers also seem to have artwork symbolizing Vikings and you also dress like Vikings. Is this a big part of your style?
Heri: We do have some Viking stage outfits. It pays off to look like your music, and it comes across as more credible that if we wore everyday clothes on stage. It is a big part of our live performance, definitely.

Calle: In what countries do Týr have most fans?
Heri: USA or Germany, it is hard to say.
Calle: What can you expect when you go to a Týr concert?
Heri: You can expect a very lively show. We always try our hardest to get everyone in the room involved in the concert, and we usually get credit for our concerts.
Calle: Before calling the band Týr, you played under the name Cruiser and Wolfgang, but never released any CD’s. I read somewhere that Wolfgang has recorded material that is almost ready for release. Will those songs ever see the light of day?
Heri: I don’t know. There has been some talk about it, but it may proove to be very difficult for reasons unmentioned here.
Calle: What’s the best advice you can give to up-coming bands?
Heri: Don’t let anybody tell you what you can and can’t do. Ally yourself with band mates who all agree on the style of music and all want to do the hard work to become professionals. A lot of bands break up on the way because of disagreements about the style of music, and other bands break up because not all band members want to go through the hardships on the way to stardom.

Týr - Vikings from the Faeroes
And now some questions outside music:
Calle: What was the first CD/LP you ever purchased?
Heri: It was a casette. Billy Joel, live in Moscow. The first LP I purchased was Dehumanizer by Black Sabbath. I got it for my older brother.
Calle: What was the latest CD you bought?
Heri: Twilight Of The Thunder God by Amon Amarth.
Calle: What do you do when you’re not playing music? What’s your other interest?
Heri: I jog and work out. I watch a lot of lectures on the internet, about science, philosophy and stuff like that.
Calle: What’s your favorite drink?
Heri: Water.

Calle: What education do you have?
Heri: D.A.R.K., short for Det Alternative Rytmiske Konservatorium in Copenhagen. It means The Alternative Rhythmical Conservatory. I majored in guitar and music theory.
Calle: What did you guys do before playing in Týr?
Heri: Nothing worthwhile. I was studying music and after that I was teaching for some years, but also while playing in Týr. The other members all still have day jobs. Gunnar is a plummer, Terji drives heavy machinery and Kári works at a fish plant.
Calle: How would you describe each member of the band in only three words?
Heri: I am hectic, impatient and perfectionist, Terji is drunk, horny and chickenshit, Gunnar is weird, crazy and funny, Kári is relaxed, easy going and laid back.
Calle: If I say Denmark, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?
Heri: Wonderful Copenhagen, Danish language and red sausages.
Calle: Do you have any last words for the fans?
Heri: Please buy our new album, and remember that religion is bullshit!
Click on the banner to visit the band on MySpace.

The End