Interview with Randy Joy from Badmouth

Me and Randy
Calle: The band was established in 2007. How did you guys meet?
Randy: It was actually Rythm guitarist Mike Hill, the "Man with the Plan" who got us all together. He and Bassist Chris LeMon were in a band together in the early 90's. Drummer Rick Hard and Singer Tom Pearson had been kickin' around Stockholm, playing in various bands so I guess they we're all mutual friends. I met Mike and Tom at a bar a while back and we got on well. Then one day a I got a phone call from Mr. Hill with an offer I couldn't refuse!
Calle: Who are your biggest influences?
Randy: There's so many but mostly 80's Metal and 70's Hard Rock: Kiss, G'n'R, AC/DC, Sabbath, Maiden, Crue, Priest, Zep, Motorhead...This list could go on forever!
Badmouth (Photo by Jimmy Håkansson)
Calle: What got you into music in the first place?
Randy: I have older siblings that turned me on to a lot of bands at a young age. Right away I dug the drum beat, the guitar sound, the vocal melody, the feel of the bass. Rock became my life and the rest is history.
Calle: Name 3 “older” bands and 3 “newer” bands you can recommend?
Randy: Well, Black Sabbath comes to mind. I also like the Ramones and Van Halen. As for newer bands, Babylon Bombs are a great band. So is Bullet. There's a killer band from Stockholm called Denim Apes that I would definitely recommend. Those guys are awesome.
US CD-cover and European CD-cover
Calle: Last year you released your debut CD. How has the response from the critics and the fans been?
Randy: Great! We've gotten some killer reviews and awesome fan support from around the world!
Calle: Paul Sabu produced the CD. How did you get to work with him?
Randy: He contacted us through our MySpace and told us he'd like to produce us so we said Fuck Yeah! He's got a very impressive resume, he's worked with legends like Alice Cooper and WASP! It's an honour that he wanted to be involved with Badmouth.
Calle: Where do you find the inspiration for the songs?
Badmouth with Randy in front
Randy: I don't find inspiration, it finds me! It just kind of comes naturally.
Calle: Badmouth are based in Sweden. There seems to be a lot of Swedish rock bands emerging at the moment. How will you describe the music scene there?
Randy: It's awesome because I meet so many cool people when we play out and there are a lot of great bands from here. I think music is Sweden's biggest export. But there's a lot of competition so we give it our all to try and stand out.
Calle: In September you’ll go on a small European tour with Kingdom Come and you’ll also play at The Rock in Copenhagen. What can fans expect from a Badmouth concert?
Randy: They can expect to get their asses kicked! I know it sounds cliche but basically that's what happens.
Calle: What about The States, do you have any plans on going on tour there?
Randy: We had a US tour booked last year but it fell through. We wanna get over there but we're gonna concentrate on conquering Europe first. One continent at a time!
Calle: How would you describe each member of the band in only three words?
Chris LeMon- dangerous, unstoppable and smooth
Mike Hill- thunderous, genius and witty
Rick Hard- solid, hardhitting and maniacal
Tom Pearson- melodic, powerful and fearsome
myself- just plain lovable!
Calle: Where do you see Badmouth in 10 years?
Randy: Headling the Sweden Rock Festival! Haha! That would be awesome! But I have no doubt that we'll still be putting out albums and touring.
Calle: What’s the best advice you can give to other up-coming bands?
Randy: Keep on rockin'! Come to Stockholm and play a show with Badmouth! Then invite us to your town and we'll party down!

Badmouth (Photo by Jimmy Håkansson)
And now some questions outside Badmouth music:
Calle: What was the first CD/LP you ever purchased?
Randy: I think it was Kiss Alive. I still love that album!
Calle: What was the latest CD you bought?
Randy: The Heaven and Hell CD, The Devil You Know. It's fucking amazing! Iommi is a god and Dio still sounds great!
Calle: What do you do when you’re not playing music?
Randy: When I'm not playing music I'm thinking about playing music. Otherwise I like to listen to music, go to shows, party, hang out...
Calle: If you could name one song you wish you had written, which song would that be, and why?
Randy: Paranoind by Black Sabbath...that song is a classic! Short, simple, catchy as fuck and it's timeless! It's a masterpiece.
Calle: If you could put together your dream band, who would be in it (not including the guys from Badmouth)?
Randy: Tony Iommi and Ace Frehley on guitar, Bon Scott on vocals, Steve Harris on bass and Marky Ramone on drums. I wonder how that would sound?
Calle: What’s your favorite drink?
Randy: A streetsmart (Absolut Raspberry and Sprite)
I see no Sprite but some Fanta!!
Calle: Do any of you have another education?
Randy: I don't need no education!
Calle: You are from the States. What made you move to Sweden?
Randy: I love swedish women! Plus, I've always wanted to be in a Swedish band!
Calle: Did you play in other bands before Badmouth?
Randy: Yeah, but you've never heard of any of 'em. Currently I also play in a punk band called Midnite Stalkers.

Midnite Stalkers (listen to the band here)
Calle: What was the best concert you have been to?
Randy: The US Festival in 1983...Van Halen, Ozzy, Judas Priest, Scorpions and Motley Crue all at the same festival! That was the Woodstock of my youth! (yes, I'm old)
Calle: What was the most disappointing concert you have been to?
Randy: In the 80's I took my girlfriend at the time to see Bon Jovi because she liked them. I fell asleep!
Calle: If I say Denmark, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?
Randy: Christiania
Calle: Do you have any last words for the fans?
Randy: Thanks for supporting us! You rule! We're looking forword to meeting you on the road!

Click on the band logo to visit their MySpace site
The End